I found that some of life's greatest revelations can discovered on the open road with nothing more than an evening breeze, jazz on the radio, and a 5lb bag of gummi bears. I've also learned that I'll always have more questions than answers (and that's okay!). May this be a written and visual documentation of this crazy journey we call life.


Learn to Drive People!

I think I have a somewhat bipolar reaction to driving. When it’s just me, alone on the open road, I’m as high as those wispy cirrus clouds above me. But as soon as a car gets in front of me, I come crashing down, literally feeling my blood pressure increase as the distance between our bumpers shortens. It doesn’t even matter if I’m going the same speed as before, something about another car in front of me pisses me off. This really only happens on two-lane roads, where passing is more difficult and dangerous. I honestly got more personal satisfaction than I should have when a car I had been following for an hour and a half got in the wrong lane at an intersection and I was able to pass them during their moment of stupidity. And just like that, I was back in the clouds. Please tell me that this reaction is not just me being crazy!


Blogger Michelle said...

I also have the same bipolar addiction to driving. I have often caught myself slowly speeding up in order to have an excuse to pass someone in front of me who is driving at a completely acceptible pace. The only reasonings I've developed are a possible innate need to arrive places first, or feel as if I'm treading a path instead of following someone else down one. --which i know is a bit odd because roads are already a pre-laid path, but it might be my brain attempting to find some small sense of triumph in a world where it seems as though everyone has already been everywhere and done everything before you...just a thought...

10:59 AM


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