I found that some of life's greatest revelations can discovered on the open road with nothing more than an evening breeze, jazz on the radio, and a 5lb bag of gummi bears. I've also learned that I'll always have more questions than answers (and that's okay!). May this be a written and visual documentation of this crazy journey we call life.


Latest Cure for Insomnia: Blogging!

I promise that I have a wealth of literary wit and road trip observations coming soon (I've been taking notes while driving), but until I return home tomorrow, this will have to do. "Musings of a Wandering Artist," you ask? More like "Ramblings of a Weary Driver." Anyway, something is better than nothing:

Why do I have insomnia?! I drove for 12 hours today and should be exhausted, but I’m not. Not even close. And I'm curious why. The last time I had coffee was at 8:00pm, so I know that the caffeine has passed through my system already (and since it was from a gas station, it couldn’t have been that strong to begin with). I did take a short nap at a rest stop in Wisconsin, but that wasn’t significant enough to throw off my sleep schedule. Maybe it’s the time change; I’ve entered a new time zone each day and, much like daylights savings in the spring, traveling east sucks because you lose an hour. Or maybe it’s because I’m in yet another house (this makes 24 different residences). The clock is ticking and the stereo is flashing a cyan time-code that blinks in syncopation with the tick-tocking. Perhaps it’s because I’ve exuded so little energy while driving that I’ve lost all need for sleep (I’ve also noticed my appetite has declined with this latest sedentary lifestyle).

Or maybe, I’m just anxious to return home.

Blah. At least I’m being productive during these wee hours of the morning. Still Waking up in six hours is going to hurt.


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