I found that some of life's greatest revelations can discovered on the open road with nothing more than an evening breeze, jazz on the radio, and a 5lb bag of gummi bears. I've also learned that I'll always have more questions than answers (and that's okay!). May this be a written and visual documentation of this crazy journey we call life.



This road trip was not one of my more typical leisurely drives across the country. My goal was to get home as fast as I could without getting in an accident or a ticket and consequently, I had this rushed feeling whenever I stopped. Even if it was for something necessary like going to the bathroom, I felt like I was wasting time. Like every minute resting is one less minute of driving. I know this is obvious and ridiculous, but the Road, a powerful entity worthy of being capitalized, takes control of your mind. We’ll see just how much later in the trip when I go (even more) crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it's so true! I have this new obsession to get to where I need to go as soon as possible. It all happened when Dad and I drove from Northwest Arkansas to Northern Virginia straight, 18 hours with maybe a total of one hour to stop. We were obsessed, any time out of the car was wasteful time, we might have averaged 65 miles an hour or something. SO when I drove from Michigan to Virginia and I was alone, figuring out your miles and speed, average speed, total time etc. It runs through you mind constantly and stopping can slow down your average significantly, imagine, first you slow down, then you STOP! and then you have to speed up. I got gas and went to the bathroom in 5 minutes and 30 seconds this time driving to Michigan. It's kinda like running. I asked my brother what he thought of in his 14-mile-training-for-a-marathon-runs, he said, "How much longer I have to go, what speed I am, what will be my average, my time, etc." That sucks! But you know, now that I understand...kind of cause I'm in a car and he's actually physically running, it's comforting and occupying.
Original time on mapquest claims 9 and half hours to get to Purcellville from Ann Arbor, my new record: 7 hours and 15 minutes. I even stopped twice!

1:46 PM


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