SO excited
Steve James, one of the maintenance staff members who works in the same office as me, is retiring next week. Yesterday he left an up-for-grabs pile of old uniform parts and I hit the motherload:

Not only does it fit me perfectly, but it's the most comfortable thing I've ever worn (perhaps it reminds me of the onesies we used to wear as toddlers?). Just look at these details:

This singular article of clothing is going to help me get through the cool, damp Washington winters. I can't wait.

Hey Michael! That suit looks fantastic!!! What a lucky find! Sounds like things are going well with your job...are you getting good/positive feedback from your peers and co-workers? I'm really enjoying looking at what you're working on. If you would like some feedback from me, I'd be more than happy to give you some more feedback..makes me feel like I'm back in Ann Arbor!
Sorry I haven't gotten anything to you for our "beach inspirations"...I've had a bit of a stressful time the past two weeks with my job. Our company was sold and they're laying off a bunch of people. We were all sitting around for a week biting our nails until they started handing out offers this week. Luckily I'm not getting axed right away, but my job is hanging by a thread. They offered me a temporary position for 30-60 days and plan to relocate my position after that time--which means someone else would get my job. My bosses at my office haven't given up hope that they can convince the new higher ups that I should stick around who knows. Basically I've been anxious and nervous the past two weeks and am just now calming myself down, resolving to the thought that I can survive, job or not, here or not...and maybe losing this job would be a good thing for me...hahaa
Anyway, I'm going to try to get going on some work, but if you get inspired, feel free to send me something first. It can't hurt to have two different pieces mailing back and forth!!!
Hope things are going great for you!!! I'm already excited to read this week's ranger mike! :)
7:41 AM
Hope the winters go smoothly.
I remember how they were up north.
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