dear Ranger Mik
With most of my major projects done and one last week here in Washington, I’ve found myself mentally checked out of work and restless to get back on the road. Still, it’s been a good opportunity to reflect on the past three months.
As I was cleaning out my staff drawer at the visitor center, I found a packet of thank you notes from a 2nd grade class I had visited in June, a presentation called "Animals of the North Cascades." I had never worked with a group of children that young and was amazed at their determination to share their personal stories. Even when prompted to ONLY ask questions, they turned their stories into questions by adding an upspeak: This one time? I went fishing with my Dad? And we saw a bear? And he shot it? And now it’s a rug on our living room floor?
Reading through their notes, I can’t help but laugh at the random details they remembered from my presentation. I’ve copied my favorite quotes, with original spelling, as well as the best depictions of “Ranger Mike.”
-I learned that you are a park ranger and you are from mishagan.
-Dear Ranger Mik,
Thank you for sherin the cool Bear pichres with me.
-Dear Ranger Mike
Wot is your fait anmls? my is the picu! you wory gat! Cru you coing bocc?
-Dear Ranger Mike,
Thank you for coming to our class. I never knew that banana slugs eat poop. I hope you visit again.
-Dear Ranger Mike,
I really like the pica too. I dinen’t see the poop that’s why I said plants. I thought banana slug was just like other slugs that eat plants. I liked the skull.
-Dear Ranger Mike,
I lickt the picka. I am going to chrito dri owt gras and see if it will macke haye. I rilly lickt the bran. I lrnd that it etats anyml poop and ded plans. Thack you for cuming.
-Dear Ranger Mike,
I willy like the Bunana slugs you shoud us. I also like the Bear fure. And the Bear fite.
-I learned that moutain gotes don’t have many preteders and youshly get sick or somthing. Moutain gotes have two big hornes.
-Dear Ranger Mike,
I think you’re agreat man. Thank you for coming to school. My hole class likes you. I think.

Apparently, I'm now a girlscout.

Let the record show that I did not wear a red dress for this presentation.

This is, by far, my favorite drawing. Once you get over the fact that my legs are ginormous, I'd like to point out that I never even came close to speaking about lions in my presentation.
this is quite possibly the cutest collection of drawings and letters ever...i would love to think like a child again...i'm so jealous of their innocence and freedom to be incorrect...why can't we all be like that???
6:08 PM
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