Soup and stuff
Not really sure what to write about today, but I'll just go for fifteen minutes and see what happens.
My schedule of late has switched from early riser to night owl and I'm not entirely sure if I like it. I'm enjoying the social festivities that are keeping me up until 3am, but I hate sleeping in until 1pm. I feel like I'm just wasting half the day and not being as productive as I used to be last year. Maybe this is part of the reverse culture shock I've been waiting for since returning from Mali. Or maybe it's just this 3-day MLK weekend and a general lack of homework to keep me busy.
In more interesting news, I just returned back from Zack Denfeld's weekly soup night. This week's showdown: Corn & Potato Chowder vs. Clam and Pasta soup. My personal favorite, the Clam and Pasta soup because, as Christina pointed out, Zack unknowningly(?) chose pasta that resembled some tentacled-like creature. Lots of crazy conceptual video art and amazingly, someone found a folk song about chowder. Mostly, I just enjoyed the eclectic mix of people Zack brought together. These opportunities to exchange stories and ideas are so important in the artistic and academic world. So thanks Zack for putting this together.
Some links to check out:
"We are waste haulers. We see some interesting things and get into some interesting situations. Some of them gross, some funny, all true. And most of it secret - until now. This is where we share the things we don't want to forget." (met the creator at Zack's appartment tonight)

The Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Park, finally opening as previewed by the Sunday NYT. Cross you fingers, I want to work here someday.
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