I found that some of life's greatest revelations can discovered on the open road with nothing more than an evening breeze, jazz on the radio, and a 5lb bag of gummi bears. I've also learned that I'll always have more questions than answers (and that's okay!). May this be a written and visual documentation of this crazy journey we call life.


I like food. And friends.

Your monthly montage, serving an array of visual entrees that includes: corndogs, killer bunnies, 1am cheese burgers, hail, and owl pellets. Cameos include: Cassidy, Kerry, Dan, Laura, Kristen, Garet, Dusty, Kyle, Casey, George, Adam, Nick, Chris, and my natural science illustration classmates,


Blogger Michelle said...

Of course you can have the recipe! It's insanely simple and only takes about 15 minutes! I used a recipe for some references and made up the rest on my own, so some of the amounts are more of a guess.

We used a bag of frozen calamari since there was nothing fresh available. You soak them in buttermilk before you fry them--the recipe said 1-2 hours, but we only soaked them for like 15-20 minutes. Drain them, coat in flour(mix a little pepper in the flour first). Fry in a small pot of vegetable oil.

Melt a couple of tablespoons of butter in a pan. Add some diced tomato (maybe 1-2) and some diced banana peppers. Squeeze juice from half a lemon in. Stir for about 3-4 minutes. Add a few diced scallions. Mix it up. Add the fried calamari and toss it around. Add crumbled gorgonzola before you eat it! --I would recommend a plate vs the bowl we used. The calamari in the bottom gets soggy if it sits for a while.

That's it! Let me know how it turns out!!!

8:15 AM


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